January 18, 2011

the one song that completes my life

listening to this song on repeat, over and over and over again. why is it so good? why do i love my aunt mary so? why do i need to go to korea right now to see them play live? why do i need to go marry this band because they make my life complete? why does this song seem to define my life? if i had to pick only one song to listen to for the rest of my life, hands down this song would be it. i know i posted this already before but i just have to talk about it again!!!! why do i love them so much??!! why are they sooooo good?!!!!

the music video kind of sucks though because it's mostly about the movie the song was featured in. though as a side note i do like that actor as well as the actress. but this movie looks ghey with a capital lame. oh and the song is "night blue" by my aunt mary.

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