October 15, 2010

denmark obsession began in the year 2004...

these pants are too spectacular for words.

this asian lady is fierce. i want to be like her in my thirties.

too precious! this look totally reminds me of sylvia plath, my lover of life. (oh ho, the irony).

i am so in love with her '90s grunge mom jeans. (and the bowler hat. and the boots. and the cape. and the platinum blonde hair. and her milky complexion.) time to go thrifting!

i don't really consider this guy "stylish" but i just love that his shoes match his bike! plus he kind of looks like a dirty, hipster, pervy, and a manly version of jared leto. me likeys. he can take me for a ride any day. (haha! hah! haa... heh.)

now this man, he is fabulous. (and he knows it!) holla.

grrrrr, so i got into a car accident for the first time ever yesterday, on my way to work. it was undeniably, irrefutably, one-hundred percent my fault heheh. though technically it was the rain's fault. it was raining hard, i was speeding, i braked too abruptly, and my car rammed right into the ginormous chevy in front of me. (totally butt sexed it up.) it was so scary because i knew i was crashing into him and i couldn't do anything to stop it!!! it was out of control fo'sho, lols.

well anywhogivesaflyingfuck, tata!

1 comment:

sunnie lim. said...

HHAHA hannah.. you crack me up soooo much. i loved your sidenotes (OH HO, THE IRONY) and when you said HOLLA. HAHA HOLLA HOLLA. and your new sunnies look goooooooooooddddd. i'm tired. lets go thrifting the end.